Sunday, 28 April 2024



Travelling around Pattaya is most convenient by minibuses (songthaews) that continually ply the Beach Road and Pattaya 2 Road in counterclockwise circuits. There are also minibuses running to Naklua and Jomtien areas. You can hail minibuses at any bus stop, which has the blue signpost. Fares range from 10-30 baht depending on the distance. Just hop in and pay the fare when you get off.  For those who wish to be independent and explore Pattaya's surrounding countryside and beaches at leisure, there are many car rental companies offering various types of cars and motorcycles. Visitors are advised to shop around and consult local tourism publications as each company offers different prices and conditions.

Anyway, renting a car from leading car rental companies is strongly advised as they provide international standards of service which include first class insurance, as well as information and maps of tourist attractions. Make sure you bring your passport and driving license when renting a car.